Monday, October 11, 2010

Race for the Cure

On Saturday I did the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 5K. I am not sure about my time as I can't find where they have them listed but I know it wasn't anything to brag about. There were several factors affecting this -

1) I had to walk off and on due to abdominal pain I've been having all week (not to mention during and after the race!). Not only has this pain been a pain in my abdomen it's been a pain to my running routine!

2) The event was a bit of a challenge because it was so large (15,000 people!) and it was for walkers and runners. I was dodging walkers and groups by running on sidewalks and grassy areas. My left ankle was unstable when on the uneven surfaces but did well. I am hoping as I increase my mileage I can continue running without an ankle brace.

3) I went to a pub the night before the race to watch the OSU football game, stayed up until 2AM (the race started at 8:15), and drank a lot of beer. These factors alone made the 5K a bit more challenging... I won't be doing that again!

Regardless of time, it was nice to do an event. My next 5K will be November 20 for the Ardmore Chigger Chase. I'm wanting a time of 30 minutes or less. I know I can do it!

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